Stay safe while
the way you work

What are your challenges?

Information security

Keeping internal and customer information always protected
from external attacks

Slow decision-making

Quick decision-making to
par with rapidly changing
business environment

Flexible environment

Having an environment
to work freely regardless of
location and device

LINE WORKS helps you solve your business challenges

Valuable company data
in safe hands
Are you worried that active file exchanges on the cloud will lead to information leakage?
With LINE WORKS, set your mind at rest with options to restrict access with password authentication or file downloads. Also, check access and change history to prevent careless information leakage and limit access from outside.

quo  同じユーザーインターフェースのLINE WORKSであれば、操作方法を教えたり、トレーニングを実施したりしなくてもすぐに利用を開始でき、導入もスムーズに行えます。 また、セキュリティ面で安心できることも採用理由の1つです。特にアーカイブ機能が決め手になりました。これによって、何かあったときに証左になりますし、監査にも対応できます。quo

APIs to automate
routine work,
improving productivity
Replace short meetings with LINE WORKS group chat and video calls. You can focus more on important tasks by saving travel time and the hassle of coordinating meeting rooms.
Also, auto interpretation·translation features come in handy for global settings. You can further improve your productivity by automating routine tasks with chatbots.

quo 私たちが実現したいことの本質は、ITツールの組み合わせによる多様な業務プロセスの自動化と適正化です。その結果として、例えば定められた時間になったという理由でまだ汚れていないトイレ清掃をするなどといったさまざまな「不毛な作業」を減らせられれば、従業員の負担が軽減して仕事へのモチベーションが高まります。quo


Change the way you work,
with one app
Enjoy flexibility as LINE WORKS is available on any device, with features and information accessible on a PC, smartphone, and more. Get your work done on-site, during business trips, or even while on the move with a smartphone. Find your inner peace, concentrating on your work anytime, anywhere as the data exchanged on LINE WORKS is stored in the cloud.

quo We started telecommuting as a part of work style reformation and use the chatting as well. Unlike phone, we can continue our conversation even after leaving a seat for a while. For example, when I have to communicate on the phone while taking care of my kid, it is hard for me to talk calmly. With chatting, however, I can continue the conversation even sometime after. quo

Service System Section Manager
Nishisaka Maiko



Trusted by the world's leading businesses of all sizes



公益財団法人 日本ラグビーフットボール協会
ITスキルが高くない人でも簡単に使えるLINE WORKSこそ、情報の入口と出口に使われるツールとしてベストだと考えています。

Ready to add flexibility to your workflow
while enhancing security?