

Trusted by the number of customers to make operations more efficient
and grow businesses as a team.

Collaboration features in one app

LINE WORKS has features for enterprises all over the globe. With LINE WORKS API connections, centralize the work system to improve productivity and reduce costs on running businesses.

Efficient project management

Provide the communication platform for projects and activities beyond your company.
Make progress together in a safe environment from anywhere.

Prevent Shadow IT

Monitor sensitive enterprise data with real-time network monitoring, potential security risk detection, access authority and remote control. Ensure visibility with logs that are automatically recorded.

Enterprise level Security​
LINE WORKS is equipped not only with an industry-leading security system but also manages your data through strict internal business procedures and authority control. Certified with ISO/IEC27001, 27017, 27018, and SOC2/SOC3(SysTrust), LINE WORKS is officially approved to safeguard all sensitive personal information.
Customize your
Integrate a wide range of 3rd-party apps and enterprise solutions already in use with LINE WORKS. You can customize an environment that best works for your company’s needs.
quo 社員同士のちょっとしたやり取りからでも重要なデータが漏れる恐れがあるため、セキュリティ性を第一に考えました。LINE WORKSはLINEとは異なり、データをスマートフォンに残さない為、非常に安全であると思います。quo

管理部 マネージャー システム部  課長代理
山崎 光一さん



Trusted by the world's leading businesses of all sizes

Find out how LINE WORKS turn collaboration into innovation