The best way to communicate with LINE users for work


line works for all projects and teams

Connecting with customers, partners, or candidates who use LINE

On LINE WORKS, you can have a conversation with LINE users by adding them to the contacts list. You can exchange 1:1 or group messages, including text, images, videos, and document files. Also, the Audit feature of LINE WORKS allows administrators to check any unusual or suspicious activity to prevent information leakage or better understand issues.


More on connecting with LINE users >


chat with LINE users on LINE WORKS


Grow customer relationships and increase repeat purchase

Connect with customers who use LINE to respond faster, gain customer insights, and increase sales. Instead of relying on phone calls, emails, and letters, speed up agent response with real-time messages. You can check whether customers read the response you sent as well.


Also, your LINE WORKS account will be displayed as ‘Official Account’, providing credibility without the need to create a LINE Official Account on LINE for Business. In this sense, promotions sent to loyal or VIP customers who use LINE via LINE WORKS will be trusted and likely increase sales.


Please note that LINE WORKS is not suitable for sending sales coupons or advertisements to unspecified LINE users. Please consider LINE Official Account for sending general information and promotions in bulk.


More on LINE Official Account >


contact customer on LINE on LINE WORKS


Contact business partners on a daily basis

Use LINE WORKS to contact external business partners who use LINE daily. Ask the business partner who uses LINE to add you as a friend on LINE. Then you can start a conversation and exchange text messages, images, and files. For an easy start, share your QR code to have your business partner add you as a friend on LINE.


Similarly, if your business partner uses LINE WORKS, you can communicate by adding the person to the contacts list. For LINE WORKS user from other companies, you can use the Group function to share notes, manage files and schedules for better teamwork.


More on connecting with external LINE WORKS users >


contact external partners on LINE WORKS


Stay up to date with candidates and new hires

Stay connected with candidates and new hires during the hiring and onboarding process. Ask candidates or new hires to add your LINE WORKS account as a friend on LINE to start communicating. Consistent and responsive communication is necessary to prevent the new hires from leaving the company. The HR team can be sure that all questions are answered and delivered with a read receipt feature.


contact candidate and new hires on LINE WORKS